Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday stuff

Yet another busy Sunday here! Actually, we had a fairly busy week. Steve attended his first Entrust annual worldwide sales meeting. Happily, it was in Dallas. So, he was out of town (there at the Marriott for the meeting), but in town all at the same time. It was non-stop with some fun stuff (a dinner/entertaining) night at Southfork Ranch.
Colson had a fun 3 days of school. He has been busy designing and redesigning his tracks upstairs. We put a permanent gate at the top of the stairs, since Ashlyn has become very interested in what goes on up there! So, he tries to find things for her to play with while she's up there, so she doesn't mess with his stuff!
Ashlyn's been teething like crazy. She has almost a constant stream of drool at this point, poor girl! She spent her week working on her everyday goal of taking apart the play kitchen. For some reason, she feels all the drawers and shelves look better on the floor. Also, she has focused some of her play time on the market/cash register they got for the holidays. She loves all the sounds and lights on it - and, of course, pushing the button to make the drawer open...if she could only get it completely off the cash register and on the floor by itself!
Steve and I got a little alone time last night. We finally made it to Williams-Sonoma together to use some gift cards. Then, we decided to try a restaurant we hadn't been to before - The Mustang Cafe. The menu they had online looked great. We got there and there were about 3 other tables taken - and one of the tables was currently sending food back to the kitchen. We left. After learning of the hour and 45 minute wait at Maggiano's, we settled on California Pizza Kitchen. Not quite what we had in mind, but it was there and serving food and drinks to us in a timely manner! The kids had a fun time with Jiggy and Nanny here at home. Ashlyn even got to try her first pieces of pizza! We thought Colson was an amazing eater - she will eat any and every thing you put in front of her. Well, with the exception of baby food. She's SO beyond that!

1 comment:

Lisa Griebling said...

Sounds like you guys are keeping busy!! I hope Ashlyn makes it through the teething... she sounds really cute in her slobbery state!