Tuesday, January 8, 2008

At this moment - 7:22pm, 1.8.08

What do you know...eating again while doing a post?! Shocking. Multi-tasking. Currently, Colson is in awe of "Jakers" on Sprout. Not usual for him, but he's interested in the animals tonight. Ashlyn is in and out of the kitchen. Trying to use Rogue as her own personal pony. And, at this very second, "reading" to herself. That is one of her favorite activities. She LOVES books!

We had a pretty calm day around here. Got some laundry done, kids got good naps, had some good play time. All around good stuff!

Both kids were happy to have their Daddy home at normal time tonight. He was just a bit later yesterday, as he was in PA for a meeting. Then, he spent most of the time between getting home and their bedtime successfully repairing the internet connection. We had a random power surge on Sunday and it seemed to kick out our modem completely. So, no internet or phone (VOIP) at all. Thank goodness he's a geek!

Not too much else here to report for now. I suppose we're just enjoying a quiet week. Sadly, Taylor was on the hunt for Ryza today. She and Kane are really noticing that she isn't here. I'm not sure if it's better to be able to understand what happened or to be in their position just wondering. I guess there's just not a good side at all.

Hope all is well where you are reading this from right now. Take care!

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