Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy Weekend!

Hi! It's Friday night, about 9:30ish here. Both kids are in bed and it's about bedtime for their parents. Sad, but true!

It was a good Friday here. Colson had all sorts of fun at school. He played well, slept well and ate well. Can't ask for more than that. Ashlyn spent her home alone time practicing her walking. She is somewhere between crawling and walking. We think once she realizes she'd actually be faster on her little feet, she'll go to that full time!

We had a very yummy Fish City Grill dinner (ate some oysters for you too, Nate!) that was delivered to our door by Jiggy and Nanny. Gotta love family who not only brings you food, but plays with your children so you have time to eat it all!

And, finally, we got word today that our newest cousin was born last night. Avery Jade Eckert arrived last night, weighing in at 7 pounds 9 ounces. We wish all the best (and a quick road to sleeping through the night!) to her Mommy and Daddy (Cheryl and Scott)!

Have a great weekend! Good night!

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