Thursday, January 3, 2008

At this moment - 1/3/08 - 7:12 PM

At this moment, I'm fininshing up some chicken nuggets. I used a recipe from the Deceptively Delicious cookbook. I put some on a plate for Colson, as I was finishing up cooking the others. He said, "Can I have some ones that are cooking that are good?" We'll keep trying. He ate a bunch of them last time. He was just hoping for the plain old pop them in the toaster oven ones tonight, I guess!

Colson is currently "cooking" a sandwich for Jiggy. He loves to create new dishes in the new play kitchen.

Ashlyn is moving all over the room, playing with as many toys as she can get her little hands on. She is most interested in the ones that her brother is focused on - imagine that!

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