Location, of course, not salad dressing. I can't believe we're days away from headed up there! It seemed SO far away when I was getting out of the hospital. But, my 6 week check-up was last week, so I suppose it's actually here! Watch out fish, here comes Steve! Though, the focus is wedding, not boating, I'm thinking there will still be some time analyzing how to catch some lunch!
I'm hoping my side effects continue to stay mild while we're in NY. Not sure how that will all work out. I've got a few more days left in the 2 week post shot safe zone. Then, the side effects could start to kick in...yay. However, I've got medication that I take daily to help keep those on the mild side...hopefully it continues to work well!
I am looking forward to getting in some good family time. Every time we're up there, there's only one bad part - leaving. Beyond the family, it is one of the most gorgeous places on the planet. Peaceful, amazing views wherever you look...should help keep me calm if I turn crazy hormone person from time to time!