Ashlyn has definitely learned how to work a crowd from her brother. She's developed a little routine that she does if she wants some applause. It involves singing (we don't recognize all the words!) and dancing (kind of looks somewhat like a mix between a hula dancer and one of those dancing Santa dolls). And, at the end, she claps and then says, "Bow!" and bows! Too cute.
Colson has been enjoying playing "Toy Story" lately. Definitely a crowd pleasing movie here these days! He's also very excited for our trip to the aquarium tomorrow - although he does seem to be confusing seeing the fish there with the fishing we told him he'll be doing in NY at the end of next month. Luckily, he's sure to enjoy both experiences.
Enjoy the pics...
Colson made a "bed" out of the letters and requested the blanket be put on him so he could get some sleep. Ashlyn thought it all seemed like a good idea and joined in on the fun.
This was this morning. After showing up in our room around 3am - following a bad dream - we didn't feel like running him back upstairs. So, he got to sleep in our room - a rare event for him!
Just had to take this picture this morning - it was so cute!
Nate arrived yesterday for a 2 week visit. This was during naptime today - Steve (working from the house today) and I were both on work calls, so Nate stepped in when Ashlyn was having trouble (thank you, once again, teething!) falling asleep. He ended up putting her back in the crib - she barely woke up in the move - and then she fell back asleep for a whole, good nap. Nice work, Nate!
Colson at his school's July 4th parade. He left his classroom without his sunglasses, so he was rescued from the oh-so-bright sun by Daddy's glasses!
Colson wanting to sleep on the top of the couch - just because!
The Boy and his Daddy...